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Myclestra is a bounty hunter from another universe, crossed from her universe into the Division One universe, in search of a horrible creature, a warpwraith. She came bearing Surlianthet, an incredible sword inhabited by the spirit of a Star Drake.

She is from Alontora, and her people were conquered and enslaved by a race generally known as the Masters, godlike beings who delight in manipulating those in their power. The male Alontorans were wiped out millennia ago, and Alontorans are not born so much as created, now. They no longer have sighted eyes, though other senses have been enhanced. This has its disadvantages; her hearing is remarkable, but to her, a summer thunderstorm is so loud -- the thunder, the wind, the rainfall -- that it can reduce her to trembling nigh-panic. However, she is taller than most human males, stronger than Omega's enhanced abilities, and since her world possesses magic, she has been magically enhanced with several cantrips permanently embedded in her body, allowing temporarily increased strength, speed, and reaction times.

Myclestra and Surlianth work with Division One to destroy the warpwraith, though not without a great deal of death and destruction within the Agency. In the course of things, the pair realized that they had come to love each other, and Surlianth was able to manifest a humanoid (Opdip) body to become Myclestra's mate. The pair were gifted a starship with maximum Alcubierre warp capability, and with an all-volunteer crew, are exploring the Local Group of galaxies.

She is currently known as Lady Myclestra of Alontora.