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Agent Omega is the assistant department manager of Alpha Line, and advisor to department chief Echo, as well as his partner and wife. She is in charge of training for the department, and heads the Praetorians, the personal bodyguard team for Director Fox and Assistant Director Echo.

Code Name: Omega
Affiliation: Alpha One
Titles & Awards: Alpha Line Assistant Lead; Alpha Line Training Lead; Lady Commodore of the Grand Fleet of Emdali; Rryssheett urr Byirr Entiyti (Honor of the House Entiyti); Wrotfl Medal of Edeptis
Birth name: Megan Shayleigh McAllister
Ethnicity: Caucasian (Celtic-American)
Born: Huntsville AL, USA
Year of birth: Unknown
Age at time of induction into Agency: Unknown
Current age: Unknown
Height: 5’ 10"
Weight: 143lb.
Hair: Blonde (platinum)
Eye: Blue
Degrees: BS in Physics, Chemistry; BS in Biology, Geology; MS in Aerospace Engineering; PhD in Astronomy/Astrophysics