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A Mesoamerican deity found across the region and through a long timespan.  The K'iche Maya name Qʼuqʼumatz was the "Feathered Serpent" deity found in the Popol Vuh text. Most anthropological interpretations indicate he was a sky god. Likely the same being as Quetzalcoatl and Kukulkan; though his earlier names are not known, he predates the Olmec civilization, which began roughly 1600BCE, and was already one of their most important deities. More, the same concept/being is found in the indigenous peoples across North America as far afield as the Appalachians, where the Uktena of the Cherokee was considered a supernatural, ornately-decorated horned dragon monster. If the description is allowed to vary, this creature may have been known worldwide -- to the Celts, Greeks, Mesopotamians, Indians, and Orientals.

This being may have been the first human encounter with a Star Drake

See also Quetzalcoatl, Kukulkan.