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Fox Bio, Chapter 2: First Contact and Beyond

Inadvertent Intervention

It was at this time that the Six- Day War broke out, and Levy inadvertently and unexpectedly found himself protecting an alien potentate—visiting Earth to obtain first- hand data on conditions, his cover was that he was on vacation as a human tourist—who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Despite discovering the obvious alien nature of his fugitive, Levy recognized that the extraterrestrial was an innocent, caught up in a conflict not its own, and at risk of perishing as a result. Levy’s personal background and morality dictated that he assist the stranded being.

In order to successfully extract the potentate, who proved to be no less a personage than Lord Pulgey Entiyti of Emdali, the then- head of the Pan- Galactic Council of Nine (otherwise known as the Ennead) relatively early in his first stint as galactic president, Levy opted to make what was essentially a suicide move, acting as a decoy by stepping into the path of a Syrian force invading the Golan Heights, and opening fire with -- rumor had it -- two Uzis in double- tap mode. (It was one, in semi-auto mode, but Levy was fast, and he was accurate, as expected of a top Mossad agent. When asked about his decision, Levy was heard to remark that he thought it would be faster, and prove more useful, than “letting the cancer have me.”) This enabled Lord Entiyti to reach his spacecraft and crew in safety, but Levy took several rounds to the torso, at least one of which nicked his descending aorta, as well as causing considerable internal lacerations. He managed to stagger to shelter in a back alley before succumbing to his wounds, and the cover identity he was using at the time is listed as the only Israeli officer to die in that skirmish—with certain changes to the details made, in order to hide the involvement of a Mossad agent.

Rescue and Galactic Travel

However, Lord Entiyti, in gratitude for his rescue, ordered his crew to use all its ship’s devices—to include active cloaking and tractor fields—to capture and bring aboard Levy’s body, whereupon he set his personal physicians to work on the nearly-dead human, with the most advanced treatments galactic medicine could bring to bear.

When Levy awoke—much to his surprise—three weeks later, he found himself not only healed of both cancer and bullet wounds, but rejuvenated, with all health problems eliminated, now a perfectly healthy human with a physiological age of approximately 28.

More, he was on Entiyti’s homeworld of Emdali, and on retainer to Entiyti as one of his personal bodyguards, a position he filled for some three decades. This was much to Levy’s liking, as he was fascinated by all the new worlds he visited, learning everything he could on each planet, and leaving behind a myriad of friends and contacts. Over time, he became Entiyti’s chief and favorite bodyguard—and his closest friend.

It was during this time that he became known to the galactic community as "Lord Franz Levy," the title bestowed as a consequence of his diligent service to Lord Entiyti, and his honor and honesty.

Division One

When the decision was made to incorporate Earth into the Pan-Galactic Coalition, Entiyti visited Earth once more to oversee the negotiations, and Levy came along as his chief bodyguard; it would prove to be his last mission caring for Entiyti. The galactic leader had decided that it was time for Levy to return to his homeworld, and had given him one last round of medical rejuvenation treatments; upon his return to Earth, Levy had a physiological age of approximately 32, but a chronological age of 68, with the corresponding experience and knowledge of a seasoned galactic traveler.

Entiyti put Levy into the hands of Director Oboe, instructing his faithful, curious bodyguard to work with the organization they were forming, and serve as a kind of formal liaison between it and the Council. He was given the codename ‘Fox,’ and would also eventually found the Diplomacy department of the budding Agency, serving as Earth’s first representative to the Council.

Fox, Oboe, and the others present at that historic meeting, to include young Agent Echo and his older partner X-ray, would become known collectively as The Originals.

Over time, as the Agency integrated more fully into the galactic government, Fox rose through the ranks to succeed Oboe as Director of Division One.