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Echo Bio

(Needs work. Needs to be put into narrative.)



Grew up on the family ranch near Ozona Texas.

Raised by his father (James Robert Bryant), his mother (Nalin Iyaaye Chanzee), and his Apache grandfather (Nantan Lipa "Shiitsooyee" Chanzee).

His father died when he was 15 when the horse he was riding stumbled, fell & rolled over him.

Graduated high school at age 16.

Brought into The Agency at age 17.

Is an original member of what became known as The Agency.

Was going steady with Linda Martinez (a cute little brunette Chicano who was a few years behind him in school).

Was taught the things that an Apache brave should know by his maternal grandfather, to include tracking, stealthy movement (moving without leaving very much of a trace & being unobserved).

Echo's grandfather (who was an Apache medicine man) came to live at the ranch when Echo was a small boy, due to a staph infection in a cut on his leg that wasn't healing properly.

Echo was riding the fences when he encountered the First Contact, and due to his attempt to investigate what was happening on his ranch, got sucked into the events and became an Original Agent.



First partner was X-Ray, who was killed in the line of duty.

Second partner was Romeo, Echo stepped aside so that Romeo could partner with agent India (medic).

Third partner is Omega.

Left the agency to try to create a life with Dr. Chase Martin who had helped out Echo during the Klydonian invasion attempt, returned to the agency when things didn't work out and she married someone else.

Learned Massage Therapy through DU1, to help X-ray with injuries.

Knows how to ice skate.