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Agent Echo is the Department Manager for Alpha Line, the Assistant Director of Division One, and one of the Originals, agents who were present at the First Contact.

Code Name: Echo
Affiliation: Alpha One
Titles & Awards: Department lead, Alpha Line; Assistant Director, Division One; Director Successor, Division One; Lord Commodore of the Grand Fleet of Emdali; Rryssheett urr Byirr Entiyti (Honor of the House Entiyti); the Wrotfl Medal of Edeptis
Birth name: Alexander Ian Bryant
Ethnicity: Lipan Apache/Caucasian
Born: Ozona, TX, USA
Year of birth: Unknown
Age at time of induction into Agency: 17
Current age: Unknown
Height: 6’ 3.5"
Weight: ~195lb.
Hair: Black
Eye: Brown
Degrees: BA in Diplomacy, Linguistics from D1U; MA in Linguistics from D1U