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Organizations and Groups

These are the principal organizations and groups in the Division One universe, including the Pan-Galactic Coalition, the Ennead, and the Pan-Galactic Law Enforcement and Immigration Administration (PGLEIA). It may also include governments not signatory to the Coalition's charter, the Sydys Concordat.

The Agency

The Agency is the Earth-based organization that ties into, and operates, Division One. A loose organization existed prior to Fi...

Criminal Organizations

Syndicates and other criminal organizations.


The Nine. The Ennead is loosely named after the ancient Egyptian pantheon. In reality they are the most powerful beings in the ...

The Family

These are the characters in the adoptive family created by Omega and the others. It includes: Agent Omega Agent Echo Agent R...

H!nar kre Naese!en!Re

A cult religion of Ke!enda!ar. Means "House of the Gods’ Wrath". “Think an alien version of Daesh…They’re not suicide terroris...

Guard and Law Enforcement Groups

The various groups and organizations responsible for keeping safe both the average galactic citizen and its leaders.

Inter-governmental Organizations

Alliances, coalitions, confederations, and other inter-governmental organizations.

Ganotian Star Nation

A recent addition to the Pan-Galactic Coalition, previously a slightly stand-offish cluster of five star systems consisting of ...

Cortian Amalgam

The loose coalition of Cortian polities on the homeworld of Corta, its outlier posts/colonies in the Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptic...

Ulyffon Alliance

A star nation of allied systems in the Pan-Galactic Coalition, they are in a prolonged, vituperative negotiation with the Calto...


The various guilds in the Division One universe.