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Ulyffon Alliance

A star nation of allied systems in the Pan-Galactic Coalition, they are in a prolonged, vituperative negotiation with the Caltorians. When negotiations were interrupted at McMurdo Office by a H!nar kre Naese!en!Re cult assassin, intent on killing chief mediator Zhaejoh kre Ranan, the Vice-President of the Ke!endarian Coalition star nation, Alpha One was officially activated for the first time.

There are 16 known races in the Alliance; all are related, & it is believed they are colony offshoots of each other, though the original founding species has been lost to antiquity. For lack of a better means of recording it, the historians and exobiologists reference this founding race as the Ulyffons.

Alliance races include:
1. Uzazoin
2. Ugurok
3. Ustruliite
4. Uspaots
5. Temurlun
6. Ooiran
7. Udabian
8. Ustrid
9. Ubzok
10. Mulzrun
11. Umiran
12. Usnoyes
13. Urotref
14. Uvuleg
15. Umaturi
16. Vandana

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