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Frequently Asked Questions

A collection of FAQs to help make finding information easier.


Galaxies in the Division One series. Image source: Wikimedia public domain.

Ganotian Star Nation

A recent addition to the Pan-Galactic Coalition, previously a slightly stand-offish cluster of five star systems consisting of ...


General and administrative pages

Gibheer Morphology System

The Gibheer Morphology System is a relatively new means of categorizing races in the Milky Way and other galaxies. It classifie...

Guard and Law Enforcement Groups

The various groups and organizations responsible for keeping safe both the average galactic citizen and its leaders.


The various guilds in the Division One universe.

H!nar kre Naese!en!Re

A cult religion of Ke!enda!ar. Means "House of the Gods’ Wrath". “Think an alien version of Daesh…They’re not suicide terroris...

Head Games (DO9)

Two galaxies will go to war—if Fox can’t save Chairbeing Entiyti from assassins. While Alpha One handles a Nazi zombie apoca...

Hiiissh Aarg’sshiibeek Ssluthiissht, The Curse of the Death Demon

“You have a spiritual being known as Satan, or the Adversary, do you not? In your personal religion? Well, we call it Aarg’sshi...

Inter-governmental Organizations

Alliances, coalitions, confederations, and other inter-governmental organizations.

Main Characters

The main characters of the Division One series. Cover image credit: Darrell Osborn (c) 2021

Medical and Psychic Conditions

A list of medical and physical conditions. These can be beneficial or detrimental.

Mega Moth (DO12)

Who—or what—is attacking Manhattan? As Echo struggles to recover from the Cortians’ ravages and Omega deals with severe PTSD...

Mixed Groups

Groups that contain both civilian humans and civilian aliens. Cover image source: Darrell Osborn (c) 2018


Cities, towns, and other named populated places. Image source: Darrell Osborn (c)2016, 2021

Non-Sentient Species

Non-sentient species in the Division One series. Cover art credit: Darrell Osborn (c)2019

Nonhuman Earth Beings

Not all sentients who live on Earth are humans. Some are other species. Others were once humans and changed.