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Hiiissh Aarg’sshiibeek Ssluthiissht, The Curse of the Death Demon

“You have a spiritual being known as Satan, or the Adversary, do you not? In your personal religion? Well, we call it Aarg’sshiibeek, which simply means ‘Demon of Death,’ though it has more of a connotation of spiritual death than physical...though there is that, too,” Entiyti explained. “Think oblivion, I suppose. At any rate, the Rrgllbrrgll, or ‘Brotherhood’ in Reptoid, is the last of the three principal crime syndicates left on Emdali. It seems, according to this, that they have invoked Aarg’sshiibeek in a specific ancient, and rather nasty, curse. You see, the Hiiissh Aarg’sshiibeek Ssluthiissht, when invoked, means that the swearer—or in this case, swearers, plural, as apparently this document is now effectively mob ‘law’ over the entire syndicate—subject themselves to the curse if they fail in fulfilling their oath...The invoker is simply disemboweled, alive, over hot coals, by the demon. Slowly. While being forced to watch.”
~Stephanie Osborn, DO10, Break, Break, Houston

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