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Chief of standard field agents at HQ, she is a pre-Original -- an agent who worked in the Pre-Agency but was not present at the First Contact.


"A relatively short, older female agent stood there. The nigh-legendary Crutch only stood an inch or two over five feet, with eyeglasses and grizzled gray hair in an attractive—and easily- and quickly-styled—pixie cut. Her build was lean and wiry, notable even through the Suit. Yet her entire attitude and demeanor gave the impression of someone much larger, a force to be reckoned with—and she could be, when she chose. Or when she had to be. She was not considered one of the Originals because she had not been at the First Contact, but as a young woman, she had been one of the active members of the ‘pre-Agency’ prior to the First Contact, so she had been around the Agency essentially since well before its official inception. Her code name, like Echo’s, derived from the affectionate nickname her colleagues had given her—based loosely, Omega had it to understand, on her real name, though no one but Crutch knew what it was any more; she refused a ‘standard’ code name based on a phonetic alphabet or similar. But she had once told the Alpha Line assistant chief, originally the code name had been a pun, because she had been the ‘crutch’ on which many of the other field agents leaned, when the going got tough. And given what she knew of the older woman’s exploits, Omega readily believed it. Fox had once noted that entire books could be written about Crutch’s adventures alone."
~Stephanie Osborn, Break Break Houston