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Fungus/mushroom (Basid) type race in the Coalition. Most famous member is concert singer Ercwlff.
Offworld Weapons
What else is available when you have an entire galaxy to shop in?
An avian race, purple with black crest feathers, telepathic. Homeworld not known.
Zheen Exoheteroc
Length: 1.5 meters Body diameter: 0.5 meters maximum Wingspan: 4.5-6.0 meters Weight: Unknown ...
Capital city of Tu'Ven, in Division Six.
Galactic Divisions
There are fourteen Divisions in the Pan-Galactic Coalition. These are like precincts or regions; ...
NASA Spacecraft
Because Omega was a NASA astronaut, that's why.
Weaponry Adjuncts
What else can they do? A good bit, actually...
Vehicle Weapons
When you want a really BIG badaboom...
Hand-Held Weapons
Pistol- and rifle-type weaponry.
Humanoid. Can pass for humans with no real disguise. From Yelfflan.
Division One Spacecraft Classes
A discussion of the various Division One spacecraft classes available for transportation and combat.
These are two different, but related, devices. They are Deltiri make, and the names are in common...
Orion Molecular Cloud Complex
A huge cloud of gas and dust in the Orion Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy that is forming stars and s...
Milky Way Galaxy
Earth's home galaxy, and the site of the Pan-Galactic Coalition. The Milky Way is a giant barred...
Gigantopurpura cibicida depopulis
A one-eyed, one-horned, purple people eater (no, it doesn't fly that we know of). Homeworld: Borscht
Exoliana edmundspencerica
An animated, carnivorous vine. Homeworld: Borscht
Exomorchella giganticae praedatoria
Giant, mobile tree-sized mushrooms, similar to Earth morels, with a kind of rudimentary hive mind...
Homeworld of the Yelfflani.
Black Helicopters
The black helicopters of the Agency have become lore in urban myth—probably because they are the ...