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From Kydeen.
George Leeks
Chesharilzi. Cousin of Zarnix. Head of Medical.
Travis S. Taylor
From Kirakalla. Scientist and author.
Dick Clark
From Harriott (Kref) in the 55 Cancri system. Has a younger brother named Ryan Seacrest.
Ryan Seacrest
From Harriott (Kref) in the 55 Cancri system. Has an older brother, Dick Clark.
A Virmergin from HD 10442b. Ousted head of Ennead, succeeded Edudighin briefly. Preferred pronoun...
Ganotian. Captain of the United Ganotian vessel Ridiki.
Edeptan. A gifted healer and the inventor of the regeneration pod process. He is also the recipie...
Edeptis IV foreign minister for offworld affairs.
A healer friend of Doron. Not an Edeptan.
Male. Dendroid. Division One University diplomacy professor.
Tethanoid. Captain of the Loteran Coalition ship Wuff Plugnor.
Tethanoid. Ensign on the Loteran Coalition ship Wuff Plugnor.
Kk’l’kn ag Kt'sl'ktl
A Deltiri communications officer from Arcturus VII.
Alva Sigusmund
The Wintourn first officer of Coalition Alpha Fleet’s flagship Dutzel, commanded by Admiral Lydhu...
Jose "Gonzo" Gonzales
A Wintourn former manager of The Ranch, retired
Lady Zzs Grrzzuus
Female. Zargothian. One of "the snores". Was part of the nobility from a minor family. Deceased. ...
Zzt Grrzzuus
Male. Zargothian. Mate of Lady Zzs Grrzzuus.
Zzu Grrzzuus
Male. Zargothian. Mate of Lady Zzs Grrzzuus. One of "the snores".
A Delzantian, short and green. Electronics expert.