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Active Cloaking

Active cloaking applies the same concept as passive cloaking, but rather than using a projection ...

Passive Cloaking

The objective of cloaking is to make the object being cloaked as invisible as possible. To that e...

Artificial Gravity

Yet another offshoot of Higgs field technology, where a Higgs field in tractor mode is used over ...

Force Fields

Force fields are yet another configuration of a Higgs field, typically in pressor mode. These fie...

Pressor Beams

This is a reconfiguration of the same Higgs field used to create a tractor beam. In this instance...

Tractor Beams

Tractor beams are usually thought of as the ‘tow trucks’ of space, and this is how they are most ...

Railgun Cannons

These are similar to the railguns being tested by the U.S. Navy, except that the power plant is m...

Trans-Warp Boson Cannons

The trans- warp boson cannon is a high- powered weapon typically found only on spacecraft, becaus...

Mark VII Tachyon Splitter Cannons

This is essentially the same as the rifles but scaled much larger. The larger vehicle enables lar...

Laser Cannons

A basic laser, scaled up. The larger the vehicle, the more powerful the laser beam, thanks to the...

Plasma Cannons

Basically a scaled-up version of a plasma rifle. The larger the vehicle, the bigger the fuel tank...

The Gluon Suppressor Pistol

The gluon suppressor pistol was developed in the remote and somewhat exclusionary Caerarri system...

The Mark X Mosin-Dobrovolsk Trans-Warp Flux Rifle

This device is not often used by Earth agents, but a few are available at Headquarters. It is sim...

The Colt- Westinghouse Projectile Pistol

This is, in essence, a hand- held rail gun. It is useful in places where a blaster’s particle bea...


Before the introduction of the proto- cyclotron blaster, lasers of various sizes and powers were ...

Plasma Rifles

Originally these were standard hydrogen plasma rifles, shooting jets of ionized hydrogen in a sli...

The Mark IV Tachyon Splitter Rifle

The Mark IV is the latest version of this rifle, first developed on Emdali. This is one of the mo...

The Winchester & Tesla Mark II Death Ray

The Winchester & Tesla has two modes of operation: beam and grenade. It is based on Nikola Te...

The Proto-Cyclotron Blaster

This is the principal weapon of a Division One agent, commonly called a blaster in daily parlance...

The Corvette

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