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Force Fields

Force fields are yet another configuration of a Higgs field, typically in pressor mode. These fields can be any size from that required to protect a spacecraft carrier or space station, down to a portable, personal field. However, the smaller the field is required to be, the smaller the field generator must be, and the more limited its capabilities. (A single-being body-shaped force field is still in development.)

Force fields are designed to be adjustable, within limits; they can be programmed to be gas- permeable, to be ‘soft’ (meaning that impact upon it creates a nearly perfect elastic collision but does not harm the object impacting) or ‘hard’ (in which case impact causes significant damage, up to and including loss of the impacting part) or to allow nothing in or out save for very narrow bands of electromagnetic frequencies. In a pinch, even these frequency windows can be closed, and in such an event, the tiny but powerful field- unit force field is proof against even a nuclear blast—though they tend not to survive the blast, since the energies have to be diverted somewhere, and the central unit typically overheats and shorts out.