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Where to buy Tour de Force

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Where to buy A Very UnCONventional Christmas

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Where to buy A Small Medium at Large

Amazon: Print - Kindle Barnes & Noble: Print - Nook

Rryssheett urr Byirr Entiyti

Rryssheett urr Byirr Entiyti ― The Honor of the House Entiyti ― is an award that was given to Alp...

Lord/Lady Commodore of the Grand Fleet of Emdali

Along with the Rryssheett urr Byirr Entiyti, the Emdalian Council of Lords saw fit to bestow the ...


An interstellar shuttle attached to the D1 Genesis. Pilot / Captain: Du’ven’de and Prrt  

Division Five

Division Five's director is Taassass Siisshiiss, a Reptoid of Emdali. Planets/systems in Divisio...


Species from the planet Celro.

Krimnet, Teela

Member of the Ennead. Vice President of the Pan-Galactic Coalition. A Korian.

Sir Michael

Yelfflani. From Yelfflan. Operatic lead in Phantom.


Stage hand for Phantom.


Stage hand for Phantom.


Secondary stage manager for Phantom, stage right wings.


Chorus member of Phantom from "Smalltown, Kansas".


Principal stage manager for Phantom, stage left wings.


Leading lady of Phantom. Has a thing for Echo. Knows about aliens and Division One.


Third principal of Phantom. A nice guy, but not the sharpest knife in the drawer.


Secondary cast of Phantom.


Chorus member of Phantom. Has a thing for Echo. Troublemaker.


Nickname "Jake". Chorus member of Phantom. Has a thing for Echo and brunets of either gender. Tro...