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Artist's Concept: Nick Risinger - Own work Adapted from the following NASA images: 236084main Mil...
A satellite galaxy of the Milky Way great spiral, approximately 160,000 light years from the edge...
Slliith City
Capital of Emdali, aka Draigon.
Wrotfl Medal
The Wrotfl Medal is a slice of sapphire crystal, highly polished and engraved. It is Edeptis IV's...
Rtuwdk Medal
The Rtuwdk Medal is a highly-polished and engraved slab of ruby on a ribbon, for placing about th...
Armik is Aleancë's airless moon, very similar to Earth's Moon, and which houses the maximum-secur...
A Mercury-like world orbiting Zeta[1] Reticuli, known to the Glu’gu’ik. It is uninhabited.
A Pinniped mining colony, under the rule of Ivalde, though a moon of Jupiter. It is still in Divi...
Mr’d’k- P’rr’l Syndrome
A mental disorder similar to a deteriorative autism. It only affects Deltiri, has an adult onset,...
Merpeople and warm-blooded underwater-dwellers. Yuvida Porpoises
Darrell Osborn
Series Artist. Around the Earth and into space. For the past 25 years, artist Darrell Osborn has...
Stephanie Osborn
Series creator. Stephanie Osborn, award-winning Interstellar Woman of Mystery, is a 20+-year spa...
Where to Buy
You can find the Division One books on Amazon and Barnes & Noble in both electronic and trade...
Please Review the books you read. This is important to the authors because it lets them know wha...
Chief of standard field agents at HQ, she is a pre-Original -- an agent who worked in the Pre-Age...
Goggle glasses
This sophisticated eyewear looks like standard wraparound sunglasses, but is far more useful. Abi...
Pocket Photometric Chemical Analyzer
This tiny device has the ability to read the absorption and emission spectrum of a substance and ...
Pocket Bug Sweeper
This little gold wand loosely resembles a fountain pen such as might have been gifted as a corpor...
Pocket Electronic Lockpick
This little silver wand loosely resembles a fountain pen such as might have been gifted as a corp...
Spectral Imaging Scanner
This device identifies aliens in a camouflaged environment (urban or rural) based on morphology &...