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The Ranch

A working, 1,560- acre ranch in west Texas, well outside Ozona in southern Crockett County, near ...

The Farm

Formerly a small horse farm and orchard in north Alabama outside Huntsville in northern Madison C...

The Beach

A small, isolated South Pacific island, used as a safehouse and agent vacation spot. It has a mul...

Lemurian LS

The Lemurian Local Station, located under the Pacific Ocean, serves the local offworld water-brea...

Cairns LS

The Cairns Local Station in Queensland is a small secondary spaceport serving the local offworld ...

Area 51 Spaceport

Groom Lake Station aka Area 51 Spaceport is a major spaceport for Earth. It is located near the s...

The Crypt

An underground burial site for agents killed in the line of duty, located beneath Arlington Cemet...


Located on Division Avenue in Brooklyn, New York.


Hong Kong




Buenos Aires

Geretan Aggum's Headquarters

Chifejuz, Zarnix

A Chesharilzi from Gliese 667Cb, the second planet of Gliese 667C system (part of the trinary Gli...


Agent Dihl Code Name: Dihl (Apache for "blood") Affiliation: Medical Department, The Ranch Title...

Trojan-Horse-Class Saucer

The Trojan-Horse-class transport saucer is not generally used for active battle, though it can be...

Phoenix-Class & Phoenix-A-Class Transports

The Phoenix-class transport saucer is not generally used for active battle, though it can be. It ...

Odyssey-Class Destroyers

The Odyssey class of destroyer vessels is the interstellar equivalent of a naval destroyer — swif...