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Raiit, Lydhuu

Code Name: None
Affiliation: Ergis system; Entiyti Bodyguard Corps; Pan-Galactic Navy
Titles & Awards: Admiral; Professor
Birth name: Lydhuu Raiit
Ethnicity: Ergisol
Born: Planet Ergis
Year of birth: Unknown
Age at time of induction into Agency: N/A
Current age: Unknown
Height: Bipedal - 8' 2"; hexapedal - 4' 3"
Weight: Unknown
Hair: None; blue/black carapace
Eye: Compound, black
Degrees: BA, PhD equivalents in military history/strategy
Other: Protege of Suud Guurn in the Entiyti Bodyguard Corps

"Lydhuu Raiit was an Ergisol, once in Lord Entiyti’s employ, who took over from Suud Guurn as Entiyti’s chief of security when Suud became head of the Coalition military, some years prior. But upon his retirement from the Ennead, he had reduced his staff, and she had decided to move into teaching security and military strategy for PGLEIA’s various university branches. Now she, like Suud, found herself back in Entiyti’s office, brought in by a classified emergency summons which overrode all other matters."

~Stephanie Osborn, Division One book 5, Trojan Horse

"...Ergisol, a seven-foot-tall insectoid with a chitinous iridescent green exoskeleton who resembled nothing so much as a giant June bug..."

~Stephanie Osborn, Division One book 3, A Very UnCONventional Christmas
