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Krngr, Rglfrz

Code Name: None
Affiliation: Medlab, Headquarters, Division One
Titles & Awards: Doctor
Birth name: Rglfrz Krngr
Ethnicity: Kardorian
Born: Kardor
Year of birth: Unknown
Age at time of induction into Agency: Unknown
Current age: Unknown
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 278lb.
Hair: Blue pinfeathers
Eye: Yellow, vertical slit
Degrees: BS in pre-med equivalent; M.D. equivalent
Other: Reptilian; present on Earth in a medical exchange program


"Rglfrz, like most Kardorians, looked like nothing so much as a long-armed velociraptor; his skin was brightly colored and patterned in shades of red, orange, and green, and his skull, neck, and upper back were adorned with a spiky, pinfeather-like plume of brilliant blue. A powerful tail extended from beneath the lab coat he wore; his scrubs were especially tailored to permit the extra appendage, as well as to fit his long arms and thick, powerful legs appropriately."

~Stephanie Osborn, Division One book 6, Texas Rangers